Our Department is responsible for Grounds Maintenance, road and sidewalk maintenance, street sign installation, snow and ice control, Water Distribution System, and litter control.
Grounds Maintenance
Our Department maintains City property, including City Hall, Police Department, Museum, Community Center, five Parks, the City’s cemetery, and certain rights of way. Maintenance activities include cutting grass, fire ant control, edging, graffiti removal, leaf removal, and meeting room set-up.
Road and Sidewalk Maintenance
Public Works is responsible for maintenance of all roads within the City limits, except for Georgia’s Highway 8 and 324, that are maintained by the Georgia Department of Transportation (DOT).
Local Assistance Resurfacing Program
To promote good stewardship of City resources, roads are prioritized using a pavement management system, and the City is able to supplement its paving budget by partnering with the Georgia DOT in the Local Assistance Resurfacing Program (LARP). Public Works issues an annual contract for provision of roadway patching and resurfacing services. Public Works personnel also handle pothole and sidewalk repair.
Water Distribution System
If you live in the City limits of Auburn, you probably are served by the City’s water utility. Auburn’s water system is supplied by water from both Gwinnett County, and Barrow’s Bear Creek Reservoir. The City has two water tanks that store water for high demand periods, and water pressure stabilization.
Water Testing for Water Quality
Public Works personnel also test the treated water for chlorine and fluoride residuals, an indicator of water quality, and water is tested monthly for microbial contamination. Auburn’s water is tested annually for the presence of more than 57 contaminants, giving Auburn’s citizens a high level of confidence that their water is safe.
Consumer Confidence Report
The following water quality report is presented to the citizens of the City of Auburn using information provided by the Barrow County water and sewerage authority and from Gwinnett County water authority, also from testing in and around the City of Auburn. Should you have any questions regarding the information in this report, you may contact Elbert Blackstock, Auburn’s public water licensed operator at (770)963-4002. This report details information on our water system for the calendar year of 2022, January 1st to December 31st
Read the report here.
Water Conservation
The City of Auburn Utilities Water Conservation program promotes a culture of conservation by
- Protecting our community’s water quality.
- Active participation in the community through school visits, neighborhood events and community projects.
- Partnering with state, federal and regional water conservation organizations for effective best practices.
- Educating and providing water conservation materials and methods.
Water Conservation Tips
- Water Wisely - Generally, your lawn needs about an inch of water a week. Over-watering lawns results in shallow-rooted plants that are less tolerant of heat and drought, and more prone to disease. Avoid over watering by using a rain guage and watering only when necessary, instead of on a fixed schedule
- Improve Your Aim - Adjust your sprinklers to water only your lawn and plants, not your driveway, sidewalk, or street
- Use Mulch - Place a thick layer of mulch (e.g., four inches) around trees and plants. This helps retain water, reduce weeds and minimize the need for pesticides
- Sweep It - Clean sidewalks and driveways with a broom, instead of a hose. You'll save water and keep unwanted pollutants out of the storm drain
- Put Rainwater To Work - Use rainwater to water your plants. Direct downspouts toward your plants and green areas or collect water with rain barrels for use later
- Water Only Once a Week - When it hasn't rained, a deep soaking every week will provide your plants with plenty of moisture.
- Mow High - Make your lawn cheaper and easier to maintain by mowing high (three inches is recommended). Longer grass has deeper roots and requires less water
- Soak Don't Sprinkle - When you water, aim the nozzle at the base of plants so more water will reach the roots
- Don't Water in the Heat of the Day - You will only lose water to evaporation. If you have an automatic system, set it to come on in the early morning hours between 4am and 10 am
- Turn Off the Sprinkler When It Rains - Install an inexpensive rain sensor shut-off switch
- Water Conservation Pricing - Residential rates increase with greater consumption in order to encourage conservation among residents
Outdoor Water Use Restrictions
Watering IS ALLOWED between the hours of 4:00 PM to 10:00 AM seven days a week.
The odd/even days are as follows:
Odd number homes – Tuesday – Thursday – Sunday (only)
Even number homes – Monday – Wednesday – Saturday (only)
Hand-water any time of day seven days a week.
The old odd/even schedule still applies to the following:
Pressure-washing Residential Homes
Washing cars (excludes commercial carwash)
For questions call – 770-963-4002
Contact Information
Iris Akridge, Director of Public Works
770-963-4002 ext 207
Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.