Employment Opportunities


Current Openings:

  • Police Officer (Click for Job Description) 
  •             APPLICATION Please fill out and email to mredfern@cityofauburn-ga.org along with your resume


    Future Openings:

    We are accepting applications and resumes for future openings. 

    The City is growing and we want to be prepared. 

    If you are interested in applying, please fill out and email an application along with your resume to mredfern@cityofauburn-ga.org


    Auburn is E-Verify and SAVE certified.  The City of Auburn became an E-Verify participant on August 12, 2008. Auburn’s E-Verify number is 144033.

    Auburn Employment Application

    Auburn Police Department Application

    Applications will be accepted until position is filled.  Apply at City of Auburn, 1369 Fourth Avenue, Auburn, GA or mail to Human Resources, P O Box 1059, Auburn, GA 30011 or Fax: 770-513-9255 or email: mredfern@cityofauburn-ga.org.