If your case does not mandate a court appearance, you may pay your fee to the Court five days following the receipt of your citation, anytime thereafter. Your scheduled court date is on the front of this Copy. To avoid a Driver’s License Suspension and/or Warrant, payment must be received by 4:30 p.m. the day before this court date.
Instructions for Mailing Fees:
Fee amount may be obtained by checking online at
Auburn Justice One or calling (770) 963-4002 ext. 209 and speak with the Court Clerk.
READ the bottom paragraph and SIGN below “Signature of Accused” and MAIL IT WITH PAYMENT to Auburn Police Department – 1 Auburn Way – Auburn, GA 30011
The following TYPES OF PAYMENT will be accepted by mail: Cashier’s Check and Money Orders made payable to the City of Auburn.
Instructions for Online Paying:
The Court is now accepting web payments at Auburn Justice One
Instructions for Paying in Person:
The following TYPES OF PAYMENT are accepted: Cashier’s Checks, Money Orders, Cash and Credit Cards
Make Cashier’s Checks and Money Orders payable to: City of Auburn
Pay Traffic Ticket