Infrastructure Expansion
Downtown Auburn's revitalization requires consistent effort on many fronts to bring all the parts together in a balanced and sustainable way. There have been, and continue to be, refinements to the plans to fulfill the vision. Businesses and residents are showing interest in coming to the area. The design of the new City Hall has been determined. More images are coming into focus.

At the same time, all progress is dependent on the physical infrastructure
to set the stage for development. The capacity of sewer lines, as well as
location of roads and trails are crucial engineering design decisions.
On March 10, 2020, the
Barrow County Commission gave final approval to a sewer plan that will relocate
the lift
station near Auburn Elementary School and create capacity for the new City
Hall and surrounding development. This estimated $3.3 million investment also includes improvements
to the lift station at Autry Road near Ingles. New force mains and gravity lines will connect the Ingles Lift Station to the new Sixth Street Lift Station. The new
network improvements will ultimately connect to the county's Tanner's Bridge Treatment Facility.
The cost of the work will be shared between Barrow County, the City of Auburn, and 3 developers who are creating homesites in the area. Sewer work is estimated to be complete in the spring of 2021, in conjunction with the new City Hall construction.
This year's LCI study will provide some location guidance to go along with
these future developments, such as identifying options to connect the north and
south sides of the railroad tracks, road improvements, and some new multi-use
trails, giving the downtown area better access. The LCI study was funded
by grant funds from the Atlanta Regional Commission, and will line up the city for potential transportation funding opportunities."