Code Enforcement – Angie Thompson
Phone: 770-963-4002 ext 201
Fax: 770-682-4428
Complaints can be filed via email, phone, walk-in or area inspection. Once a complaint is filed the following steps will occur:
- The complaint is assigned to code enforcement officer.
- The officer then inspects the property for the violations reported, as well as any other violations seen. If the owner is present a warning will be issued at that time, if in violation of the city’s ordinances.
- If the owner is not present owner research is conducted and a warning letter will be typed and mailed to the violator.
- Upon receipt of the warning, the owner will have a certain number of days to comply.
- For follow-up, the property is re-inspected. An extension may be given at this time.
- If the property is in compliance, the process is finished.
- If the property is not in compliance a citation may be issued, beginning the court process.